The important unofficial organophosphate site.

An Introduction to the OPRUS Web Site.


How the game is played
The importance of correct diagnosis
Forgotten or hidden knowledge?
A Common Cause of illness?
Who is at Risk and How?
Is your food safe?
Can We Trust Regulators?
Poisoning by Stealth
Cause or cure?
The joys of acceptable risk
The horror of "Frankenstein Foods"
Formulation Horrors
Experimenting on Babies
The Perfume of Death
The BSE secrets of the Phillips Inquiry
How to Hide Disaster
A cosy Band of friends
Incompetence or Corruption
The so-called "Compensation Culture" Legal Manouvres
Medical Records and the Law
The Failure of the HSE
Controlling Influence of PIAP
The Truth About the National Poisons Unit
Links with Defence Secrets
The Corruption of the Regulating Bodies
Masonic Plots
Above the Law
The Influence of the BBC
Freedom of the Press?
Pesticides - why all the fuss?
The Nocebo Effect Fraud
..........Poisoning Symptoms..........
  • Influenza-like symptoms
  • Respiratory constriction
  • Sensitisation
  • Non-specific Symptoms
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Sensation loss
  • Vision Problems
  • Erratic Heartbeat
  • Digestive Upsets
  • Muscle Tremors
  • Nerve Damage
  • Memory loss
  • Bone degeneration
  • Infertility
  • Cancer
  • Brain Damage
  • Death
..........Likely Diagnosis..........
  1. Mystery Virus
  2. Asthma/Farmer's Lung
  3. Allergy
  4. Somatisation Disorder
  5. Mental Illness
  6. Myalgic Encephalitis/CFS
  7. Multiple Sclerosis
  8. Migraine
  9. Stress
  10. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  11. Parkinson's Disease
  12. Motor Neurone Disease
  13. Alzheimer's
  14. Osteoporosis
  15. Hormonal disorders
  16. Tobacco smoking/lifestyle
  17. vCJD Due to Diet
  18. Heart Attack

The Organophosphorus Scandal - Important Truths Exposed 2024
Please click on this link for details - we are all at risk from these deadly poisons.

Please add your name to the petition if you feel so inclined.
It could be you next.

Click here for a support group for those suffering from their exposures

Click here for the Organophosphorus file

   Click here for the Other Contents file

Click here for latest updates

Click here for list of useful publications

Click here for the chance to tell your story

Click to see comments from visitors and links to web sites of similar interest

A tribute to those we lost in 2005
The late Mark Purdey was Right! - a sad loss to the world
A pesticide victim's experience of the law
Horrific results of "Experimental Foods"


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Campaign Details

Visit the pages of MCS-International - off site

Support artists with MCS at

Link to the Make Poverty History site via comments here or at

Go to the Trauma Centre UK For Help with Post Traumatic Stress

Drift can spread for miles. 
Illness occurs despite protection.

Comments on the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution Pesticide Report

This site is intended to provide information not normally easily available to the general public and to encourage helpful discussion and debate.
Every effort is made to ensure that facts presented are supportable and accurate.
Comment is welcomed but we reserve the right to report views received and the source of those views.
Any additional supported information is welcome.
Many will be shocked by what they see.
The time for change is now.
Please feel free to E-mail your comments to :-

If you have been harmed by chemical exposures or the medications used to treat the induced symptoms then you are by no means alone and you may like to join a group of similarly affected people on an email list where helpful information can be exchanged with supportive advice offered.
Visit Support for Victims of Toxic Assault for details on why the group was formed and how to subscribe or subscribe via the web site where the option to Subscribe is found in the left side column.

Dated 16/9/2000    Updated 18/3/2024

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